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PT Trim Fat Burn Reviews (detailed, evidence base)

PT Trim Fat Burn is a weight loss supplement that contains purple tea as its main ingredient.

PT Trim Fat Burn weight loss supplement

Product Name

PT Trim Fat Burn


Weight Loss


Purple Tea, Berberine, Green Tea extract, and Garcinia fruit extract


Two Pills A Day


Boosted fat-burning mechanism, Improves digestion by working on a healthy gut system and Speed up the metabolic rate

Refund Policy

60 Days Money Back Guarantee



Official Website

How it works

This supplement uses purple tea to help boost your metabolism and burn fat.

Purple tea is rich in polyphenols, also rich in antioxidants. Studies have shown it to boost metabolism and promote fat loss.

Additionally, purple tea is a good source of fiber, which can help to keep you feeling full and promote weight loss.

Ingredients of PT Trim Fat Burn

.Purple Tea

is rich in antioxidants and has been shown to boost metabolism and promote fat loss in animal studies. This makes it an enticing option for those looking to lose weight. It is an excellent source of a compound called GHG which is known for its fat-burning properties.

This tea is a popular drink among Kenyan tribes where they make tea out of the purple leaves of an incredible herb. The tea is helpful in many other health benefits as well so you are not just losing weight with the weight loss supplement but also improving your body effectively.


It is an alkaloid derived from Chinese goldthread, tree Tumeric, and Oregon grape. Berberine has been traditionally used in Chinese medicine to treat diarrhea, stomach pain, and other digestive issues. In more recent years, it has become a popular supplement for weight loss and diabetes.

It helps to sustain a healthy gut life by promoting a nice living environment for good gut bacteria. Once your gut health is improved, you don’t face issues of constipation, poor digestion, acidity, and other gut issues.

.Green Tea Extract

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and has been shown to boost metabolism, promote fat loss, and protect against various diseases. It has shown incredible results in the removal of toxins.

Toxins are formed in the body when we have unhealthy eating habits. These harmful toxins and radicals slow the metabolism and ultimately, affect the weight loss mechanism of the body. With the help of PT Trim, you don’t have to worry about these issues.

Green tea is found in every household and in many cultures, people drink it after each meal to have proper digestion.

.Garcinia fruit extract

Garcinia cambogia is a tropical fruit that contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which has been shown to promote weight loss and fat burning. Garcinia fruit has become popular in recent years and is found in almost every weight loss supplement.

The incredible ingredient is also known as an appetite suppressant as it stops the body to have the feeling of being hungry. It also stops the hunger pangs and jitters one gets from low insulin levels.

As soon as you take this supplement, you will feel that you are full and you don’t have to eat unnecessarily.

Frequently Asked Questions

.Are There Any Side Effects?

PT Trim Fat Burn is made with all-natural ingredients and is considered to be safe for most adults. However, as with any supplement, it’s always best to speak with your doctor before taking PT Trim Fat Burn, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should also avoid taking this supplement. If you have any concerns, it’s always best to speak with your doctor before taking PT Trim Fat Burn.


There is currently no human research on the weight loss effects of purple tea. However, animal research is very promising.


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